Games Fun and Fitness Food and Drink
Trips and Outings Other Fun Activities
Join us for one or several games played each month. Don't know how to play, training sessions are held throughout the year.
Bunco is a fun and easy to learn a dice game involving 100% luck and simple rules. Play is at tables of four, changing partners and opponents as you move from table to table. Played twice a month at the Flagler Community center. Additionally, one Saturday evening at a member's home where spouses and guests are welcome to join.
Canasta - Pennies from Heaven
Canasta is a fairly simple card game played with partners randomly selected for the day’s play. Games are held at different area restaurants twice a month. Must be an experienced player. Two rounds of three games each are played. Play begins promptly at 11:00 and goes to 2:30 – 3:00. You must be available for the full time. Lunch is ordered from the restaurant menu and individuals pay their own bill onsite.